
Surf Life Tenerife

what people say about us

Surf Life Tenerife is a team of lovers of the sea who believe that surfing can change people’s lives, exactly as it changed ours. We work hard everyday to teach YOU surfing and the biggest reward we can get out of it is your smile at the end of your experience with us! We love what we do and we do it with love! You don’t believe us?

Have a look underneath 🙂

“I really want to say that I truly enjoyed the surfcamp for a week and I appreciate everything. The instructors were super nice, knowledgeable, friendly and professional. They never rushed me, understood my situation and checked my condition giving me plenty of compliments and good advices. The surfing spot was amazing and the number of students was adequate (I know that many surf schools get too many students per one instructor). Everything was literally perfect. I am a slow learner but I could improve my surfing a lot (but still bad jaja) and truly enjoyed it without fear. Everyday I got less fear and more confidence in the water and now I feel way more comfortable. Thanks for giving me such a memorable and impressive experience to the instructors, Antonio, Daniel, Alejandro, Thomas and Michele. I miss this school and the amazing instructors!”
Nth to say more.. the best!!!!!!
“We've just returned from a 2 week holiday in tenerife and the highlight was undoubtedly our surf day with Antonio and team. My eight year old daughter has always been a little wary of the sea so it was wonderful to see her smiling, laughing and having fun out in the surf (which was pretty big on the day). Ive been to surf schools in the past, where instructors just use the lesson to show off how good they themselves are at surfing. With Antonio it's all about YOU not him. He was truly incredible, a real gentleman who naturally puts everyone at ease. For the whole lesson he stayed at the back of my daughter's board, teaching coaching and encouraging her. My wife and I were also able go surf alongside with a complete feeling of safety. You can pay a lot to go to siam park and have an artificial experience in a crowded wave pool with 2000 other people. Or you can spend a day in the ocean with Antonio and have a day you'll never forget. We cant wait for another chance to go back. Thank you Antonio!”
Amazing family surf lesson!!
surf life tenerife
“No doubt, surfing is not the easiest sport to learn. On the one hand it can be very frustrating sometimes, but on the other hand the smallest improvement flash’s you in a way no other sport can. Antonio and his crew are creating with their passion for surf and people the perfect environment to improve surfing. They really respond to everybody’s individual needs depending to the surf level. Combined with my stay in the incredible La Tortuga Hostel it was for me the perfect surf trip. They’re really filling the name Surf Life with content.”
Perfect Surf
“Ich lebe im Hostel La Tortuga in Costa Adeje und habe Antonio schon oft gesehen, wie er Leute fĂŒr eine Surfstunde abholt. Seine fröhliche und offene Art ist nicht zu ĂŒbersehen und ĂŒberhören, daher habe ich mich dazu entschlossen ebenfalls eine Stunde zu nehmen! Die beste Entscheidung, die ich getroffen habe! Er checkt vorher, welcher Strand die besten Wellen zum Surfen hat, sodass man auf jeden Fall die bestmöglichen Konditionen hat, um zu lernen und sich zu verbessern. Am Anfang nimmt er sich sehr viel Zeit, um genau zu erklĂ€ren, wie die Wellen und das Meer funktionieren und eben wie man surft. Nach einer kleinen AufwĂ€rmrunde geht es dann auch endlich ab ins Wasser! Ich war zuvor schon einige Male surfen, aber es war gut, dass mein Surflehrer Alejandro an dem Tag nochmal alle wichtigen Schritte (paddeln, aufstehen, etc.) mit mir durchgegangen ist und mir Tipps gegeben hat, wie ich es besser machen kann! Man ist ungefĂ€hr 2 Stunden im Wasser und versucht jede Welle zu schnappen, die reinkommt. Dabei bekommt man natĂŒrlich die Hilfe, die man braucht, wenn man noch AnfĂ€nger ist. Ich habe mich im Wasser sehr sicher mit meinem Surflehrer an meiner Seite gefĂŒhlt und hatte dabei auch noch viel Spaß! Die AtmosphĂ€re ist locker und man bekommt sehr nĂŒtzliche Tipps, die einem bei der Weiterentwicklung sehr nĂŒtzlich sind! Ich wurde vom Hostel abgeholt und auch wieder zurĂŒck gebracht, sodass ich mich um Nichts kĂŒmmern musste, Antonio organisiert alles! 🙂 Alles in Einem: Eine sehr gut organisierte Surfstunde in einer kleinen lockeren Runde mit viel Spaß und super AtmosphĂ€re! Ich werde definitif weitere Surfstunden mit Antonio und Alejandro buchen!! Ich freue mich schon auf Sonntag! Jackobina :)”
Antonio is the best!!
“Had a total of 5 lessons; 4 private lessons with myself & daughter/daughter on her own and 1 extra group lesson on last day due to thoroughly enjoying the experience. The shop is a short walk from the beach and wet-suits, shoes (a must) and surfboards supplied were in very good condition. The beach used for surfing had 2 areas for surfing with different sized waves; 1 area is better for beginners and the other area for more experienced surfers with all 5 days having good waves. Our instructors Antonio and Alejandro are both very very friendly and approachable guys who demonstrate a passion for what they do. They are hands on and are in the water with you throughout the lessons helping, encouraging and providing instruction to help you get the most out of the session. This is our 3rd year surfing and was by far the best experience with the most notable improvement in our skills. Other staff in the shop are also extremely friendly and no doubt have a similar passion for what they do. I would definitely recommend and would go back to this area specifically for surfing with Antonio, Alejandro and Surf Life; a very memorable experience.”
Great Interactive Surfing Instruction
“So good that we had to book an extra session a few hours before the flight! We had a package of 7 surf lessons and 9 nights at the hostel "La Tortuga." At the arrival, Antonio, the surf instructor, was waiting for us at the hostel to give us info about the lessons. All lessons were individual as the group was never bigger than 6 persons. Antonio and his colleague, Alejandro, are very professional, perfectly trained instructors motivated to improve our skills, and doing that always with a friendly approach and a smile. They also pay a lot of attention about security and safety of all participants. They told us a lot about water, waves, high and low tide and the current. The equipment was good with the brand new boards for us. The staff at the hostel "La Tortuga" is kind and accommodating, they gave us a lot of tips about the island, and all in all is superbly organized with all details. Our last day we also took the kayaking and snorkeling package with Daniel, where we saw the dolphins and sea turtles at the place "Los Cristianos." The next day we also received photos that Daniel made with a GoPro camera. It was my first time to do something like this and I would highly recommend this experience too. All surfing lessons and kayaking were including transport from the hostel to the beach. We are very grateful to Surf Life for this brilliant experience! Remember to keep the balance with the right hand and to look in front ;)”
Brilliant experience
“We booked Antonio’s surf package and spent 2 fantastic weeks with Surf Life Tenerife. It was more than just holidays, for 2 weeks we felt like living the real surf life: surfing different spots (daily decided which is the best) with different conditions, being out with nice and relaxed people having a lot of fun in and outside the water, eating delicious food (tapas bar with our surf instructors Antonio and Alejandro once a week) and relaxing with nice people in the hostel La Tortuga. Antonio and Alejandro treated us rather like friends than just clients and you could really feel their passion for surfing. I improved my surfing a lot as they gave continuously advice. Pablo, the photographer and a really nice guy, took great pictures of us. As he‘s in the water while taking pictures, even in small waves the surfing looked amazing 🙂 The hostel is very clean and the staff is really caring. Once a week there‘s a barbeque with delicious food. The last day was hard as it felt like leaving friends. We‘ll be back for sure!”
More than just holidays
“Surf Life Tenerife - these guys are great at what they do, and the nicest people. I had checked out some reviews of schools before my trip to Tenerife and my experience was just as great as those I had read. I went Sea Kayaking (twice!) and Surfing with them while in Las Americas and with both activities it was like being with a group of friends rather than being instructed by people we'd just met. This atmosphere was created by Surf Life Tenerife from the moment I met them. Both Daniel and Antonio are really approachable and helpful in the activities, knowledgeable about the area and water; and so so so respectful of the natural world! Whilst Kayaking we were lucky enough to see dolphins and a turtle, and on both occasions Daniel ensured that any interaction with them was from the appropriate distance and angles etc. to ensure we didn't impact their habitat and behaviours. I'd never surfed before and although I was with a group of people who had experience, Antonio was incredibly helpful and patient with me. As I said, for both activities it was like being part with a groups of friends - we all went for for a drink after each to wind-down and chat about the experience. I can't recommend these guys enough, and I'll definitely be on the water with them again on my next trip to Tenerife.”
Fantastic Experience!
Surf lesson Tenerife - Playa de las americas